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Badger Jon Hawkins SurreyHills Photography
SurreyWT Small Business Supporter logo

Here at Hit the Trail we love the outdoors; we relish the opportunity to get out into our natural environment and explore everywhere that we can. Over the last 100 years the wildlife within the UK has been declining at a worrying rate, with a third of all species in Surrey alone, either lost or on the verge of disappearing for good. The Surrey Wildlife Trust is one of 46 UK Wildlife Trusts, and for wildlife in Surrey, across 60 reserves. They work with other organisations, landowners and communities to extend, protect and connect habitats for wildlife across the county and to inspire local communities and young people to care for nature where they live.


We are truly delighted to now be a Small Business Supporter of Surrey Wildlife Trust. For every order placed through we will donate £1 to SWT, and for those who work for SWT, or who are members, we are offering a discount across our store;


By investing our resources and our time we can all help protect the future of the natural world and wildlife here on our own doorstep.

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