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Lake Landscape
  • Flamers Natural Firelighers – 50 Pack are a great way to light any of your fires.  They get wood burning quickly and are an odourless and natural product.


    Flamers Natural Firlelighters are made from wood shavings that have been dipped in paraffin wax.  They are a great way to light all of your fires quickly and easily.


    As they are odourless Flamers Natural Firelighters are a particulary good idea for use on BBQ’s or anywhere else you may be cooking food.


    Flamers Natural Firelighters are a great way to get your fire lit quickly. They can be used for lighting any fires where you do not wish to spend time waiting on getting the first flames started.  Flamers also burn long enough to get larger wood pieces burning with the minimum amount of effort.

    Flamers Natural Firelighters - 50 pack

    Rating is 0.0 out of five stars based on reviews
    SKU: FLA003
    Only 9 left in stock
      • Easy way to get your fire burning
      • Natural wood shavings, dipped in paraffin wax
      • Odourless
      • Individual pack of 50 pieces
    • Flamers

      These are perfect, and simply replace the need for one of the traditional smelly paraffin firelighters that many people use either with kindling or newspaper. We don’t recommend newspaper as it contains inks etc and it burns too quickly, so advise just one Flamer and 6-8 kindling sticks.

      There are of course many different ways to light a fire and everyone has their own slight variation and whilst we have always recommended the traditional way of firelighting with kindling and firelighter at the bottom with smaller logs on top, we now favour the new ‘Top down’ method with logs on the base and kindling and Flamer on top. This helps to heat the flue faster and provides more efficient lighting with lower emissions.

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